If you’re familiar with Eduroam, you wqill have an easy internet connection. If you don’t have Eduroam you’ll have to setup a connection.
On your badge, you’ll find password and login for WiFi access at ENSEIRB-Matmeca. The accounts can be used both on the wifi REAUMUR and on the wifi Bordeaux-INP: depending on the peripherals, the configuration on one or the other wifi is easier.
How to connect to the REAUMUR wifi: choose the REAUMUR wifi network, open Internet browser (Firefox, Safari, Edge), check a page in HTTP and not in HTTPS (Attention, Google systematically redirects to https). Valid example: http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr,on is automatically redirected to a captive portal page: connect, choose “Confessions / Guests”, click on the “Selection” button “, Enter the username and password above.
More information: http://www.u-bordeaux.fr/Vie-des-campus/Services-numeriques/Wifi/REAUMUR
Attention, participants will have to allow pop-ups on their browser (at least for domain u-bordeaux.fr) otherwise they will only have 3 minutes of connection and then have to reauthenticate!
The organizers must give each user of the wifi an individual identifier (respectful of the characters, capital letters, lowercase letters …) and keep the link between the user’s identity and his identifier for one year.