
Scratch2017BDX will open registration in April.

With an audience of around 300 attendees, the cost of the conference is € 500,00. Such a fee is affordable, even cheap, for some and a strong barrier for others. We’re very lucky with strong sponsors who make it possible to reduce the fee.

All tickets in our fee structure give full access to the conference activities on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The day time activities at ENSEIRB/Matmeca come with lunch and catering during coffee breaks. The un-conferences in the evening, as well as the opening reception Tuesday evening, include drinks and food as well.

To make conference accessible to a broad audience we offer the following

  1. € 500 Feel Good, you or your organisation have the funds to pay actual cost. Every Feel Good ticket sold opens a Next Generation ticket
  2. € 250 Regular, a fair price for 40 hours of program divided over four days
  3. € 150 Early Bird, a limited number of 100 tickets for those who cannot afford to pay the regular fee
  4. € 40 Next Generation, an option for participants under 25